Q1. What payroll information does Orbital send to HMRC?
We send RTI, or Real Time Information – which are submissions made by Orbital to HMRC regarding all workers on the payroll.
- Employee Information – FPS – Full Payment Submission - deadline on or before pay day
a. All personal data for a worker
b. All earnings for a worker
- Employer Information – EPS – Employer Payment Summary – deadline 22nd of the following month
a. All company payroll liabilities giving a figure for monthly payment
- CIS Self Employed Information – CIS Monthly Return – deadline 19th of every month, following the last tax month
Q2. Some of my payroll details/figures have changed without me knowing?
This is likely from an HMRC request to Orbital. The changes could include...
- In Year or Annual Tax Code Change – We must update the payroll record when instructed by HMRC, generally when a personal allowance goes up/down.
- In Year YTD Figures (from previous employers) – This can be sent along with any tax code changes to update previous pay and tax.
- Student Loan Plan 1 Start/Stop and Plan 2 Start/Stop – This will be notice given from HMRC to start or stop respective student loan plans.
- National Insurance Number/Category Update – NI category letter can be updated by HMRC when personal details and age thresholds change.
If you need us to look into this further for you, please contact us
WhatsApp: +447376170587 | SMS: 07700185818 | e: info@orbitalservices.co.uk
Q3. Why have Orbital changed my tax code?
We haven’t, HMRC control this and tells us automatically when a tax code needs to be changed. Try speaking to HMRC on 0300 200 3300 and have your NI number ready plus the relevant Orbital company tax reference no.
Orbital Management Services Ltd. (CIS) – 673/YA27006
Orbital Umbrella Ltd. (UMB) – 673/MA51633
Orbital Professional Employment Ltd. (PEO) – 120/AE16627
It is also advisable to view your tax code history through a Gov. Gateway online account:
Q4. Why would my tax code change?
This could be for a number of reasons including starting a new job or additional job, getting a pension or benefits. More details can be found here:
Q5. Can Orbital change my tax code back to what it was?
Whatever HMRC send to Orbital must legally be applied to an account and cannot be changed at the request of a worker.
Check out this information on tax codes:
Q6. Why am I on an ‘emergency’ tax code – W1, M1, X?
Have you sent us your most recent P45 before your first payment?... We can’t accept your P45 after your first payroll has been processed, which means you could pay more tax. If you have sent your P45, this might still be getting updated by HMRC but will be resolved. If you have paid too much tax, you may get a rebate on a future payroll
Tax codes are set by HMRC not us; we recommend you set up a Government Gateway account and check online:
Q7. I have a court/legal deduction from my Net pay but I’m not sure why?
Employers and employees both receive notification of deductions from earnings. The employer is legally obliged to make the deduction when instructed. Does the deduction have letters with it?
- DEA – This relates to (Direct Earnings Attachment) Overpaid benefits
- DEO – This is for (Deduction of Earnings Order) Child Maintenance (CMS)
- AEO – To recover (Attachment of Earnings Order) Council Tax/Fines/Court orders
Q8. What are Orbital’s company tax reference numbers?
Are you paid as…..
- CIS Sole Trader – YES/CHOSEN Orbital Management Services Ltd. (CIS) – 673/YA27006
- Umbrella PAYE – YES/CHOSEN Orbital Umbrella Ltd. (UMB) – 673/MA51633
- PEO PAYE – YES/CHOSEN Orbital Professional Employment Ltd. (PEO) – 120/AE16627
Need further help? Please contact us on:
WhatsApp: +447376170587 | SMS: 07700185818 | e: info@orbitalservices.co.uk