Q1. What time will I be paid?
Friday – Most payments will clear by early morning provided there are no delays such as late submission of payroll or registration hold ups. Later payroll will clear by close of play.
Other days of the week - Payments can clear up to close of play Monday to Thursday depending on instruction and processing times.
Q2. What could delay my payment?
There are a number of reasons why a payment could be delayed, these include…
- Worker not submitting a time sheet on time
- Delay from end client/agency in confirming hours worked
- Changes to original payroll instruction
- Incomplete personal details
- Right to Work in the UK checks
- Wrong bank details supplied
Q3. How do I know that I’m getting paid?
Simple, you will have an SMS text message sent to confirm your Net pay on the day your pay has been processed e.g. generally Wednesday or Thursday.
Times can vary on when these messages are sent due to various factors, including if we have your correct mobile number!
Q4. My text message/pay amount looks wrong, what can I do?
If you are………PAYE
- Check your payslip is correct for your hours and pay rate.
- Check if you have had a tax code change or attachment of earnings order.
- Starter declaration (P46) not given correctly, which can affect taxable amount.
- You may have had an advanced payment recovered from a previous week
Or if you are…..Self-Employed
- Check your remittance is correct for your hours and pay rate.
- Check if you have a CIS deduction of 20% or 30%.
- You may have had an advanced payment recovered from a previous week.
Q5. I have not received a text message?
This could be simply because we don’t have you correct mobile number or the agency doesn’t have your hours/timesheet or we don’t have you fully registered.
If you are expecting a text message regarding wages, contact us:
WhatsApp: +447376170587 | SMS: 07700185818 | e: info@orbitalservices.co.uk
Q6. I don’t understand my payment method?
O.K. let us try and help, on your assignment, if you were engaged as…..
CIS Self Employed
Check out the ‘Welcome to Orbital’ email for CIS/Construction workers for more information CIS Self Employed on-board link (to be provided)
Non-CIS/Sole Trader Self Employed
Check out the ‘Welcome to Orbital’ email for Non-CIS sole traders for more information Non-CIS Gross Self Employed on-board link (to be provided)
Check out the ‘Welcome to Orbital’ email for PEO PAYE which has lots of information PEO PAYE on-board link (to be provided)
Umbrella PAYE
Check out the ‘Welcome to Orbital’ email for Umbrella PAYE which has lots of information.
Umbrella PAYE on-board link (to be provided)
Q7. Can I get a pay example to help explain the pay and deductions?
Yes of course, we do these as standard for example purposes, for all pay models. Here are the details we would need...
- Self-Employed please send us - your Full name, D.O.B. UTR number, 20%/30% tax status (if CIS) hours/days worked, hourly/day rate.
- PAYE Full name,D.O.B. NI number, tax code, pension included (Y/N), Hol. Pay saved/rolled up, hours/days worked, hourly/day rate.